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The address of the Business's registered office is at the BEACH CENTRE building. SIDAS GLOBAL PTE. LTD. was incorporated on 16 June 2005 (Thursday) as a Private Company Limited by Shares in Singapore. The Business current operating status is live with registered address at SUNTEC TOWER THREE. The Business principal activity is in WHOLESALE TRADE OF A VARIETY OF GOODS WITHOUT A DOMINANT PRODUCT. Sidas Global Pte Ltd is located at Suntec Tower Three, 8 Temasek Boulevard, Tel 6475 3809, view Sidas Global Pte Ltd location, products and services on Streetdirectory Map SIDAS GLOBAL PTE. LTD. is a company registered in Singapore. To check the full profile, please click Company details. 8 TEMASEK BOULEVARD #35-03 SUNTEC TOWER THREE Singapore 038988 Sidas UK Ltd. are the distribution partners for the brands; Sidas, Podiatech, Thermic, Compeed, Point6 Socks, and Kaestle Skis in the UK & Ireland.
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TRADE (GLOBAL) PTE. LTD. (the "Company") The Company current operating status is Live Company. The address of this company registered office is 140 ROBINSON ROAD, #09-02, CROWN AT ROBINSON, SINGAPORE 068907. The company principal activity is MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (GENERAL). Started as a family-owned small business in 1925, CH GLOBAL was thus established by Mr. Tan Chia Cher, although at the time the company was known as Choon Hong & Company Pte Ltd until a name change in 2009 to capitalise on the Company’s existing global network. Incorporated Ghim Li Global Pte Ltd as Supply Chain Apparel Company. 1995.
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319 likes · 1 talking about this. Expertise in offering scalable solution for unified communication, customer experience management, enterprise voice with enterprise This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
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318 likes. Expertise in offering scalable solution for unified communication, customer experience management, enterprise voice …
Title: Strides Pharma Global Pte. Ltd., Singapore Created Date: 8/20/2020 10:44:53 AM
VIS Global PTE LTD, Singapore. 319 likes · 1 talking about this. Expertise in offering scalable solution for unified communication, customer experience management, enterprise voice with enterprise
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Incorporated Ghim Li Global Pte Ltd as Supply Chain Apparel Company. 1995.
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2018-01-31 · Super Sea Cable Networks Pte. Ltd. (SEAX) will create a paradigm shift in how wholesale telecommunication data business is done in the emerging markets in South East Asia (SEA). It will bring an unparalleled amount of submarine cable capacity to markets where the telecommunication network infrastructure is prohibiting the growth of their market economies. Global Offshore & Marine Pte Ltd. Corporate Office.
The Company carries business and general merchants, importers and exporters, commission agents, and manufacturer's representative. Title: Strides Pharma Global Pte. Ltd., Singapore Created Date: 8/20/2020 10:44:53 AM
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Our company sells products that can be categorised into 3 groups. Namely, they are the assembly machines, the electro-mechanical components ASL Global Pte Ltd, Singapore. 221 likes · 4 talking about this · 1 was here. Always Making All Shipments Successful SE Global Machinery Engineering Pte Ltd. A technology-driven company, we specialise in the troubleshooting, repairing, installing and servicing of new and latest heavy machinery equipment.
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Global Components is one of the major supplier for airborne and ground support products, RF& microwave products as well as test & measurement equipments supplier to various OEM/EMS & R&D houses, having head office in Singapore & logistics office in Hong Kong with three local offices in India. OneSoft Global PTE. LTD. Save the Galaxy from alien swarm attack. $0.99 $0.00. Super Bob's World : Free Run Game. OneSoft Global PTE. LTD. Ghim Li Lanka (Pvt) Ltd is one of the outsourced manufacturing partners which are owned by our strategic supplier of choice, GLIT Holdings Pte Ltd. They are not related to GLG Corp Ltd and any of its subsidiaries. GLIT Holdings Pte Ltd and its subsidiaries do not share common ownership, officers or directors with GLG Corp Ltd and its subsidiaries.
Petrochemical, chemical, maine and Power Generation Industries within Asia. We draw on the experiences of our employes and partner’s to build our capabilities for our organization growth.