Heiner Linke - Lunds universitet


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Während der Jahre 1998 und 2001 wa Professor at Solid State Physics Phone: +46 46 222 42 45 Mobile: +46 70 414 02 45 Room number: Q 201 Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1, Lund Heiner Linke's profile in Lund University Research portal Heiner Linke, Birte Höcker, Ken’ya Furuta, Heiner Linke Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dipl. Phys. (Technical University Munich), PhD. Heiner Linke is a Professor of Nanophysics and the Deputy Director of the Nanometer Structure Consortium at Lund university. Heiner is talking about the poss Heiner Linke. Professor.

Professor heiner linke

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View Heiner Linke's profile on Publons with 188 publications. Download Web of Science™ My Research Assistant : Bring the power of the Web of Science to your mobile device, wherever inspiration strikes. Ed Linke, American baseball player; Erika C. Linke, associate dean, Carnegie Mellon University Hunt Library; Heiner Linke, physics professor at Lund University; Kai Linke, German artist; Mariusz Linke, Polish-German professional grappler and mixed martial arts fighter; Paul Linke, American actor; Ralf Linke, composer; Sebastjan Linke, Slovenian Svenska professorer i teoretisk fysik‎ (1 kategori, 24 sidor) Artiklar i kategorin "Svenska professorer i fysik" Följande 139 sidor (av totalt 139) finns i denna kategori. El profesor Heiner Linke utiliza métodos experimentales y numéricos para estudiar fenómenos de no-equilibrio en diversos sistemas, cómo nanoestructuras semiconductoras, biomoléculas, fluidos, entre Heiner Linke, a professor at Lund University's Division of Solid State Physics, has a toy on his bookshelf.

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Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede Professor of Chemical Biology. Xiaodong Zou Professor of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry . The Committee members are elected for a period of three years from among the members of the Academy. Heiner Linke - Professor i nanofysik By Heiner Linke Topics: Physical Sciences, Fysicumarkivet F:426 View Heiner Linke's profile on Publons with 188 publications.

Professor heiner linke

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Professor heiner linke

(MSc) Physics Department, Technical University Munich, Germany CURRENT POSITION 2009 - Professor of Nanophysics, Physics Department, Lund University, Sweden PREVIOUS POSITIONS 22 rows Heiner Linke disputerade vid Lunds Universitet 1997, varpå han jobbade tre år Australien som post‐doc. Sen var han på University of Oregon i åtta år, mot slutet som associate professor med en egen forskargrupp på runt tio personer. 2009 blev han professor på … Heiner Linke Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dipl. Phys. (Technical University Munich), PhD. Affiliations. Solid State Physics; Faculty of Engineering, LTH; NanoLund; ORCID. ORCID: 0000-0003-4451-4006.

Professor heiner linke

Att nanoteknologin är på väg att förändra världen är en så ofta använd fras att Heiner Linke, professor i nanofysik, Lunds universitet. Från Stora tillväxtdagen 2018. Medverkande i programmet är Heiner Linke, professor i nanofysik, Martin Josefsson och Artis Svilans, doktorander vid Lunds universitet, Chih-Wei Hsu  Sarah Fredriksson, vd Aqilion på Medicon Village, fd vd Genovis.

Dr. Heiner Linke . Council Member . Heiner Linke is a Professor of Nanophysics at Lund University in Sweden and Director of the NanoLund, the Center for Nanoscience at Lund University.

Gå med för att skapa kontakt. NanoLund. Lund University. Webbplatser.
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2012 — för Miljöpartiet; Christer Gunnarsson, professor i ekonomisk historia vid Lunds universitet och en av grundarna till Gapminder; Heiner Linke,  Professor. Office: Q201; Phone: +46 (0)46 222 4245 E-mail: heiner.linke [at] ftf.lth.se Heiner Linke's research group uses experimental and numerical methods to study phenomena in diverse systems such as semiconductor nanostructures, biomolecular systems and fluids. Laleh Samii, Heiner Linke, Martin J. Zuckermann, Nancy R. Forde (2010) Physical Review E (Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics), 81 Journal article Heiner Linke - Professor i nanofysik Heiner Linke (2010) Other Heiner Linke, Birte Höcker, Ken’ya Furuta, Heiner Linke Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dipl. Phys.

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1997 disputerade Linke på sin doktorsavhandling Quantum Electronic Transport in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors i fasta tillståndets fysik vid Lunds Universitet. Heiner Linke E-post: heiner [dot] linke [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se Prorektor LTH vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola Telefon: +46 46 222 42 45 Mobil: +46 70 414 02 45 Besöksadress: Kårhuset, John Ericssons väg 3, Lund Heiner Linke Professor and Pro-Dean at The Faculty of Engineering at Lund University Lund, Sverige Fler än 500 kontakter Vision & Mission Submenu for Vision & Mission UN Sustainable Development Goals Programs & Funding ‪NanoLund, Solid State Physics, Lund University‬ - ‪‪Citerat av 7 293‬‬ - ‪Nanoelectronics‬ - ‪nanothermodynamics‬ - ‪molecular motors‬ Heiner Linke disputerade vid Lunds Universitet 1997, varpå han jobbade tre år Australien som post‐doc.

Heiner Linke - Professor i nanofysik By Heiner Linke Topics: Physical Sciences, Fysicumarkivet F:426 View Heiner Linke's profile on Publons with 188 publications. Download Web of Science™ My Research Assistant : Bring the power of the Web of Science to your mobile device, wherever inspiration strikes. Heiner Linke NanoLund, Solid State Physics, Lund University Verified email at ftf.lth.se Alf Mansson Professor i Fysiologi, Linnéuniversitetet Verified email at lnu.se View all 2009-02-04 Heiner Linke Professor, Director NanoLund, Sweden. Heiner Linke is a Professor of Nanophysics at Lund University in Sweden. Between 1998 - 2001 he was a research fellow in Sydney/Australia, before joining the physics department at the University of Oregon in 2001 where he received indefinite tenure in 2005 and remained until 2009. About TechConnect Europe Innovation Conference.