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Most notably, Americans are more individualistic and are less  8 Oct 2020 The European Court of Auditors (ECA) is warning there is significant risk the EU will not meet its plastic packaging recycling targets for 2025  21 Oct 2020 The group is reviewing the warehouse and distribution model, and Gap and Banana Republic e-commerce operations in Europe. 27 Mar 2017 This article fills this gap by providing a systematic review of relevant insights in four adjacent literatures: EU governance; international relations;  19 Feb 2019 Fewer than half of EU's member states have reached their national 2020 targets for energy consumption from renewable sources. According to  12 Apr 2019 Gender differences in wages are a persistent pattern in most European countries. This study analyses the earnings divide between men and  31 Aug 2015 Unadjusted, explained and unexplained gender pay gap, EU average (22 countries), based on SES 2010 data, in % 9. Decomposition of the  10 Oct 2019 In 2019, only 14 European and Central Asian countries provided reimbursed HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Using EMIS-2017 data, we  23 May 2019 Europe remains our biggest market for certification.

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During the meeting in Vienna, the EU Network Gender Wage Watchers was established. The EU Network Gender Wage Watchers consists of experts on the gender pay gap and organisations who want to work on eliminating the gender pay gap.

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